Terry Hlavinka currently serves as president of Hlavinka Equipment Co. He provides oversight and direction for all activities within the dealership. Upon graduation from A&M, he joined the company and has worked across all departments within the Hlavinka organization.
Terry is also a partner of Hlavinka Cattle Company growing crops including rice, cotton, and corn while also participating in a commercial cow-calf business. An affiliated company operates commercially bonded grain facilities. Terry is charged with leading family real estate development, including projects within the recreational and hospitality industries.
Terry Hlavinka married Susan Lewis in 1986. The couple is blessed with four children and six grandchildren. Two of the children are active in business today. Terry remains active in all things related to Texas A&M. He has been inducted to the Tyrus R. Timm Registry and received the Distinguished TALL Alumnus award. Terry currently is active on multiple industry related boards. He is a past president of the Chamber of Commerce and former council member for the City of East Bernard. He also serves as a member of the Texas Private Sector Advisory Council as an appointment by Governor Abbott.
Terry and Susan enjoy spending time with their children and grandkids. Together, they have traveled across four continents. The destinations also include a family lake house or a snow-covered mountain so the family can enjoy water skiing and snowboarding activities. The couple can often be located at A&M sporting events visiting with their Aggie family members and friends.
In business and in life, Terry takes to heart a favorite quote; “the harder I work – the luckier I get.”